
Pension Income Planning

Pension Income Planning

Pension Income Planning: How Taxes, Life Insurance and Annuities Factor In Finances are a primary cause of post-retirement stress, whether it’s the fear of leaving nothing behind for loved ones, or fear of exhausting assets before death. In both cases, planning can help. Pensions, life insurance and annuities are three financial instruments that many

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Expense Reimbursements for Employees

Expense Reimbursements for Employees

Expense Reimbursements for Employees: How They’re Taxed and How They’re Reported Employees may accrue various expenses – meals, travel, lodging, etc. – that are eventually reported and reimbursed. Depending on how the employer and employee manage the expenses, they may be taxable or deductible. Staying on top of company expenses is something every business

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Individual Retirement Accounts

Individual Retirement Accounts

Individual Retirement Accounts – Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and their Differences Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are tax-leveraged savings tools that allow taxpayers to financially prepare for their post-work years. While some IRAs may be offered through an employer, taxpayers typically choose and manage their own IRA. And one of the most important considerations when

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Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits: What They Are and How They Are Taxed Fringe benefits are additional forms of compensation beyond money. While the term “fringe” may suggest that these benefits are uncommon, they are in fact ubiquitous among employees. Health benefits, for example, are offered to about 75 percent of all U.S. employees, according to the

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Vehicles for Business Use

Vehicles for Business Use

Is Your Vehicle Used for Business Purposes? There’s a Deduction for That For many workers, a vehicle is as important to their operations as their office or their staff. As a vital part of the business, getting every last bit of value out of the vehicle is a priority. One way to optimize vehicular

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Cryptocurrency: What It Is and How It Affects Taxes The concepts behind cryptocurrency have been around for a long time, but they weren’t realized until Bitcoin was introduced in 2009. Since then, hundreds of cryptocurrencies (or crypto) have emerged to capitalize on the Bitcoin trend, and a handful of them have managed to stick.

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High Income Taxpayers

High Income Taxpayers

High Income Taxpayers Have Many More Tax Provisions to Consider As a taxpayer’s income increases, so does the complexity of their tax picture. There are numerous tax provisions that only affect high earners, and plenty of benefit phase-outs to be aware of. These provisions can interact with each other in a confusing manner, so

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Newlywed Tax Tips

Newlywed Tax Tips

Just Married? Here Are Some Newlywed Tax Tips to Stay on Track If you’ve just tied the knot, you’ve also tied your financial life with your spouse. That comes with many tax-related implications, and it’s highly recommended that they be addressed right away. By doing so, newlyweds can avoid tax complications during filing season.

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Your Accountant Died or Retired—Now What Do You Do?

Your Accountant Died or Retired—Now What Do You Do?

Many taxpayers develop a long-term relationship with their accountant – one that can stretch out for decades. In that time, the accountant may essentially take ownership of their client’s financial information. That’s a big responsibility with potentially big financial ramifications, so the natural question is – what do people do when their accountant suddenly

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